13,99 €
Upgrade your Sourtastic pizza baking and impress your family and friends
Simple but clear step by step instructions on how to make a perfect wood-fire pizza
Great for total beginners if you’ve tried baking in a wood-fire oven but also for those who want to learn some new tricks
33,00 €
Upgrade your knowledge and Sourdough Gluten-Free Masterclass with this additional video course bundle. Includes 3 most popular recipes: Toast bread, baguettes and banana bread.
What do you get in this bundle?
- access to 3 video recipes, each with their own instruction videos,
- easy, short but step-by-step and precise instructions,
- other tips&tricks from Anita Šumer, sourdough professional and best selling author with more than 10 years experience
Learn how to make better gluten-free bakes in a simple way!
3,90 €
Your first gluten-free sourdough starter in 5 days! Simplified step-by-step guides that you can watch whenever and wherever you want!
In more than 15 tutorials I will show you how easy it is tomake your own GF sourdough starter. You can use it to bake a variety of gluten-free bakes (bread, pizza, banana bread, buckwheat bread…).
This course is suitable for complete beginners and also for those who are already familiar with sourdough baking but want to upgrade their knowledge.
59,00 € 17,27 €
Your first gluten-free sourdough starter in 5 days! Simplified step-by-step guides that you can watch whenever and wherever you want! In more than 15 tutorials I will show you how easy it is tomake your own GF sourdough starter. You can use it to bake a variety of gluten-free bakes (bread, pizza, banana bread, buckwheat…
3,90 €
Thorough but easy to follow video course about making a Sourdough Starter from scratch – using only flour and water. Step by step instructions to make it a succes on your first try!
Perfect for total beginners who have never baked with sourdough and also for more experienced bakers.
49,90 €
U 5 dana do svojih prvih bezglutenski starter! Tečaj je prikladan za sve koji žele stvoriti svoje bezglutenski starter i kruh.
Više od 15 videozapisa u kojima ti Anita korak po korak pokazuje kako uzgojiti bezglutenske kvasce na jednostavan način i stvoriti bezglutenski kruh,
– jasni i pregledni snimci,
– objašnjenje kako pohraniti kvasce i kako se brinuti o njima,
– savjeti i upute koji će tvoje početke učiniti ugodnijim i lakšim,
– SOS korak,
– objašnjenje posebnosti bezglutenskog brašna,
– BG kvasce možeš koristiti za pečenje bezglutenskih delicija (kruh, pizza, banana kruh, heljdin kruh …).
Za potpune početnike, kao i za one koji su se već susreli s kvascima ili pečenjem, ali žele nadograditi svoje znanje!
159,90 €
Learn to bake delicious sourdough bread & fluffy focaccia, make mouth watering pizza & soft buckwheat bread – ALL GLUTEN FREE.
What do you get in this Masterclass?
- more than 90 minutes of video content and simple instructions about how to make your first gluten-free starter and how to bake with it,
- easy and short but step-by-step and precise 6 video recipes (basic bread loaf, pizza, buckwheat bread, focaccia, cornmeal, crepes),
- 32 burning questions and answers – all answered with a detailed video instructions,
- other important tips&tricks from Anita Šumer, professional baker, teacher and bestselling author with more than 10 years experience,
- bonus video: how to use a stone mill to grind gluten-free flour,
- other bonuses and surprises!
Enroll today and change your life!
33,00 €
Nadogradite svoje znanje s ovim dodatnim GF paketom video tečajeva. Uključuje 3 najpopularnija recepta: tost kruh, bagete i banana kruh.
Što dobivate u ovom paketu?
- pristup 3 video recepta, svaki sa svojim vlastitim instrukcijskim videima,
- jednostavne, kratke, ali korak po korak i precizne upute,
- druge savjete i trikove od Anite Šumer, stručnjakinje za kiselokvas i bestseler autorice s više od 10 godina iskustva.
Naučite kako napraviti bolje bezglutenske pekarske proizvode na jednostavan način!
59,00 € 19,00 €
Your first gluten-free sourdough starter in 5 days! Simplified step-by-step guides that you can watch whenever and wherever you want! In more than 15 tutorials I will show you how easy it is tomake your own GF sourdough starter. You can use it to bake a variety of gluten-free bakes (bread, pizza, banana bread, buckwheat…
159,90 €
The ULTIMATE Masterclass Course with 6 most popular recipes and more than 30 burning questions from homemade bakers answered by sourdough professional Anita Šumer. Simplified but thorough step-by-step course.
Perfect for total beginners if you have never baked with sourdough but also for more experienced bakers.
49,90 €
The Perfect Sourdough Bread Straight Out of Your Kitchen Oven
A sourtastic bread that you make following clear and simple step by step instructions.
Great for total beginners if you’ve never made bread before with sourdough nor with yeast but also for more experienced bakers:
49,90 €
The Perfect Sourtastic Pizza Straight Out of Your Kitchen Oven
A sourtastic pizza that you make following clear and simple step by step instructions.
Great for total beginners if you’ve never made a pizza or bread before with sourdough nor with yeast but also for more experienced bakers:
9,99 €
- 10 ovenless sourdough recipes
- ultimate sourtastic guide on how to take care of your sourdough starter in summer and how to use it when the temperatures are high
- tips&tricks for summer sourdough baking
The majority of recipes is vegan. Where animal products are used, there’s instruction on how to adjust the recipe.
159,90 €
Are you in search of delectable, nutritious treats that are:
Yet, still wonderfully:
Look no further! Introducing:
SOURDOUGH SIMPLIFIED GLUTEN-FREE ONLINE COURSE – your pathway to effortless, healthful, and utterly delicious fermented foods – both savory and sweet.
Check below to see what awaits you in the video course (in addition to 10 savory and sweet recipes and all the basic instructions for preparing gluten-free sourdough). The course is designed to provide simplified, detailed (video) instructions for every piece of information or recipe. With your purchase, you’ll receive LIFETIME access.