
49,90 €
In 5 Days to Your First Gluten-Free Bread!
This course is perfect for anyone who wants to create their own gluten-free starter and bread.
With over 15 videos, Anita guides you step by step on how to grow gluten-free yeast in a simple way and make gluten-free bread:
- Clear and detailed recordings,
- Explanation of how to store and care for the yeast,
- Tips and instructions to make your journey easier and more enjoyable,
- SOS step,
- Explanation of the unique properties of gluten-free flour,
- You can use the GF yeast to bake gluten-free treats (bread, pizza, banana bread, buckwheat bread, etc.).
Suitable for complete beginners, as well as those who have already worked with yeast or baking but want to upgrade their knowledge!

49,90 €
U 5 dana do svojih prvih bezglutenski starter! Tečaj je prikladan za sve koji žele stvoriti svoje bezglutenski starter i kruh.
Više od 15 videozapisa u kojima ti Anita korak po korak pokazuje kako uzgojiti bezglutenske kvasce na jednostavan način i stvoriti bezglutenski kruh,
– jasni i pregledni snimci,
– objašnjenje kako pohraniti kvasce i kako se brinuti o njima,
– savjeti i upute koji će tvoje početke učiniti ugodnijim i lakšim,
– SOS korak,
– objašnjenje posebnosti bezglutenskog brašna,
– BG kvasce možeš koristiti za pečenje bezglutenskih delicija (kruh, pizza, banana kruh, heljdin kruh …).
Za potpune početnike, kao i za one koji su se već susreli s kvascima ili pečenjem, ali žele nadograditi svoje znanje!

99,00 €
Želite li naučiti peći zdraviji kruh bez nepotrebnih dodataka? Pečenje kruha može biti zaista jednostavno i brzo, samo trebate naučiti ispravan postupak!
Pridružite se praktičnoj radionici uživo s Anitom Šumer, autoricu knjiga Kvasomanija i Slana i slatka kvasomanija gdje će vam u 3 sata pokazati cijeli postupak pečenja kruha s domaćim kvasom/starterom/sourdoughom te vas naučiti sve što trebate znati o kvasu kako biste ga mogli koristiti u budućem pečenju. Također ćete dobiti POKLON u vrijednosti od 40 €!
Izaberi svoj datum i vrijeme:
ZAGREB, Miele Experience Center
Utorak, 21. 1. 2025, 17.00 – 19.30
Četvrtak, 23. 1. 2025, 17.00 -19.30
Petak, 24. 1. 2025, 17.00 – 19.30
Subota, 25. 1. 2025, 09.00 – 11.30
SPLIT, Miele Experience Center
Utorak, 28. 1. 2025, 17.00 – 19.30
Četvrtak, 30. 1. 2025, 17.00 – 19.30
Petak, 31. 1. 2025, 17.00 – 19.30
Subota, 1. 2. 2025, 10.00 – 12.30
Broj mjesta na radionici je ograničen!

99,00 €
Želiš li naučiti kako peći zdraviji kruh bez nepotrebnih dodataka? Pečenje kruha može zaista biti jednostavno i brzo; samo trebate naučiti ispravan postupak!
Pridruži se praktičnoj radionici uživo s Anitom Šumer, gdje će ti u oko 3 sati pokazati cijeli proces pečenja kruha sa domaćim kvascem i naučit te sve što trebaš znati o kiselom tijestu kako bih ga mogli koristiti u svojem budućem pečenju. Ovaj put u suradnji s Gradsko knjižnico Krapina i Chefom Mislavom Božićem.
Nedjelja, 19. 1. 2025, 16.00-19.00
Također ćeš primiti POKLON u vrijednosti od 40 €!
Broj mjesta na radionici je ograničen na 11 mjesta.

33,00 € – 299,00 €
Exclusive online SOURDOUGHMANIA FAMILY Membership Club
Become a sourdough master quick and easy!
- Support with questions and challenges in the private Facebook Sourdoughmania group
- the best way to learn sourdough baking quickly and easily from the comfort of your own kitchen,
- Monthly live Zoom hangout where we chat and learn all new things about sourdough, where I answer your questions and give you advice and where we bake together (first Tuesday of every month),
- access to sourdough content and information (bread course,
- Monthly RECIPES, TIPS and TRICKS section with baking schedules,
- Monthly newsletter with news, prizes, prize games, news, partner discounts and other surprisesand more!

9,99 €
- 10 ovenless sourdough recipes
- ultimate sourtastic guide on how to take care of your sourdough starter in summer and how to use it when the temperatures are high
- tips&tricks for summer sourdough baking
The majority of recipes is vegan. Where animal products are used, there’s instruction on how to adjust the recipe.

159,90 €
Are you in search of delectable, nutritious treats that are:
Yet, still wonderfully:
Look no further! Introducing:
SOURDOUGH SIMPLIFIED GLUTEN-FREE ONLINE COURSE – your pathway to effortless, healthful, and utterly delicious fermented foods – both savory and sweet.
Check below to see what awaits you in the video course (in addition to 10 savory and sweet recipes and all the basic instructions for preparing gluten-free sourdough). The course is designed to provide simplified, detailed (video) instructions for every piece of information or recipe. With your purchase, you’ll receive LIFETIME access.